Tips To Making The Most Of Your Company Cars

Tips To Making The Most Of Your Company Cars

Company cars don’t just serve as a means of transportation, they are an asset that can be used to promote the business itself and increase visibility with a few simple tips and tricks.

Billboard on wheels – Your car when being driven around on the job or even parked in a spot has the potential of being spotted by thousands of people

Branding – Use magnets and decal stickers on the body of the car to advertise your business name and/or services. You could even customise your car’s number plate to something quirky to intrigue potential customers

Make a statement – Use eye-catching, bold graphics and colours. Avoid designs with intrinsic detailing as those don’t always translate well onto curved surfaces. Use a simple, bold font on a high contrast background like black on white or vice versa. You may be tempted to use your brand colours, which is okay as long as the text stands out and is easy to read from a distance.

Keep it simple – Your brand name, contact number and website is enough information. You might want to include a few words like a slogan or services you offer, but don’t overdo it. Try using a URL or 1300 number that is easy to remember without having to note it down.

Wrap it up – A vinyl wrap is a cheaper option if you want to change the colour of your car to match your brand, rather than getting it re-painted. A wrap also works like a shield, protecting the bodywork of your car from scratches or small dents.